You are in the right place if you are seeking guidance, education and mentoring to address racial trauma. If you are looking for online community, start here to check out our online FaceBook group dedicated to fostering community around racial trauma and overcoming racism. It's a safe haven for BIPOC, Mixed-Race and Bi-Racial people and others who have been affected by racism and need to give the experience a name.
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I am very excited to introduce one of a series of workshops related to racial identity that focus on mixed-race identity. The parenting workshop is 90 minutes and includes a follow-up Q & A. My goal is to make information accessible and useful by allowing participants to "mull over" talking points and present questions tailored to their individual experience.
One of the key reasons individuals don't address racialized issues fully is because they are afraid of making mistakes or offending. The workshop process is intended to allow you to speak freely on pain points or even areas where confidence is lacking. We will discuss how racial trauma presents and cover dealing with implicit bias and working through some of the different ways in which mixed-race individuals integrate their intersecting identities. We will also work on a legacy plan that reflects principles and guidance for your family.
This workshop is for interracial couples, married or unmarried, BIPOC and non-BIPOC individuals who intersect with self-identified mixed-race or bi-racial individuals and adults who wish to explore their identities further. This is not a lecture. As with all our workshops, the goal is to convey a transformational experience. Leave knowing ways in which you can become an active change agent and more confident parent, sibling, relative or friend!
The workshop includes participation in ongoing community.
Please use the contact form to reach us for more information regarding group discounts.
To learn more, please contact me or CLICK HERE.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Preview "From Pain to Purpose."
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